Matta Till Trappa

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Matta Till Trappa

Matta till trappsteg
Matta till trappsteg from

What is ”Matta Till Trappa”?

”Matta Till Trappa” is a Swedish term that translates to ”carpeting for stairs” in English. It refers to the process of covering the steps of a staircase with a carpet or rug, which can improve the safety, comfort, and aesthetics of the staircase. This technique is popular in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries, as well as in many other parts of the world.

Step-by-Step Guide for ”Matta Till Trappa”

If you’re interested in ”Matta Till Trappa”, here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Measure the dimensions of your staircase to determine how much carpeting you’ll need.
  2. Clean the steps thoroughly to remove any dirt, dust, or debris.
  3. Apply a layer of adhesive to the steps using a trowel or roller.
  4. Place the carpet or rug over the adhesive, making sure it’s properly aligned and adjusted.
  5. Smooth out any bubbles, wrinkles, or creases in the carpet using a carpet roller or a heavy object.
  6. Trim the excess carpet around the edges of the steps using a carpet knife or scissors.
  7. Secure the edges of the carpet using a tack strip or a carpet trim.
  8. Enjoy your newly carpeted staircase!

Top 10 Tips and Ideas for ”Matta Till Trappa”

Here are some tips and ideas you can use to make the most of your ”Matta Till Trappa” project:

  1. Choose a carpet or rug that’s durable, slip-resistant, and easy to clean.
  2. Consider the color, pattern, and texture of the carpet to match your decor and personal style.
  3. Add a contrasting color or pattern on the risers or the landing to create a visual interest.
  4. Use a stair runner instead of a full carpet to showcase the beauty of the wooden steps.
  5. Install stair treads or mats on high-traffic areas to protect the carpet and reduce wear and tear.
  6. Install LED lights or strips underneath the steps to create a dramatic effect and improve visibility.
  7. Add a decorative border or trim on the edges of the carpet to enhance the look.
  8. Use a carpet with a low pile or loop to prevent tripping and slipping hazards.
  9. Clean the carpet regularly using a vacuum cleaner or a carpet cleaner to maintain its appearance and hygiene.
  10. Consult with a professional installer or a designer to get expert advice and recommendations.

Pros and Cons of ”Matta Till Trappa”

Like any home improvement project, ”Matta Till Trappa” has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of them:


  • Improves the safety and comfort of the staircase by reducing noise, vibration, and slipperiness.
  • Enhances the aesthetics and value of the home by adding a decorative and functional element.
  • Provides insulation and soundproofing benefits by reducing heat loss and noise transmission.
  • Offers a wide range of choices and styles to suit different preferences and budgets.
  • Can be installed relatively easily and quickly by a DIY enthusiast or a professional installer.


  • May require frequent cleaning and maintenance to prevent dirt, stains, and odors from building up.
  • May pose a tripping or slipping hazard if not installed properly or if the carpet is loose or damaged.
  • May hide underlying problems or defects in the staircase, such as cracks, holes, or unevenness.
  • May not be suitable for households with pets, children, or people with allergies or asthma.
  • May be more expensive than other flooring options or require additional costs for installation and materials.

Personal Review of ”Matta Till Trappa”

As someone who has recently installed ”Matta Till Trappa” in my home, I can say that I’m satisfied with the results. The carpeting has improved the safety, comfort, and appearance of my staircase, and it’s also a great conversation starter when guests visit. I chose a neutral-colored carpet with a low pile, which blends well with my decor and doesn’t show dirt or stains easily. I also added LED lights on the steps, which make the staircase look more inviting and cozy. The installation process was relatively easy, although I did need some help from a friend to trim the edges and secure the carpet properly. The only downside is that I have to vacuum the carpet more often than before, but it’s a small price to pay for the benefits. Overall, I would recommend ”Matta Till Trappa” to anyone who wants to upgrade their staircase and create a safer and more stylish home environment.

FAQs about ”Matta Till Trappa”

Q: Is ”Matta Till Trappa” suitable for all types of stairs?

A: ”Matta Till Trappa” can be installed on most types of stairs, including wooden, concrete, metal, or spiral. However, the installation process may vary depending on the material and condition of the stairs, and some types of stairs may require additional preparation or materials.

Q: How long does it take to install ”Matta Till Trappa”?

A: The installation time for ”Matta Till Trappa” depends on the size, complexity, and skill level of the installer. A simple staircase with straight steps and no obstacles can be installed in a few hours, while a more complex or custom-designed staircase may take several days or weeks to complete.

Q: How do I clean and maintain my ”Matta Till Trappa”?

A: To clean and maintain your ”Matta Till Trappa”, you should vacuum it regularly using a soft-bristled attachment or a handheld vacuum cleaner. You can also spot-clean any stains or spills using a mild detergent and warm water, but avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing too hard. If your carpet gets heavily soiled or damaged, you may need to hire a professional cleaner or replace the carpet entirely.

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